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Mixed Media: Collage with GLITTER SLIME (lol!)

Tomorrow, I have planned for my 3rd grade class a Science Lab activity. They have been learning about Changes in Matter. How matter can change forms such as from liquid to a solid. All of these changes are under three domains being liquid, solid, and gas. So I decided we would make SLIME to demonstrate a change!

I went shopping for some of the materials and came home to try it out and decide how I would execute this activity. I tried to make some SLIME and I couldn't quite get my small portion to solidify (thinking I added too much of another ingredient) so it stayed really slimy!

I didn't want to waste the slime so I decided to incorporate it into an art piece. When I was shopping I also picked up some Pigma Micron Black Pens and there was a great sale on a package of scrap paper.

I found a great inspirational image on Sktchy and went to work. I laid down some watercolor and took the slime with a fork and spread it over the watercolor. I have to say, it looks great! It is glitter slime so there is this nice effect. Also, one of the ingredients is TIDE, so it smells good too! It's drying somewhat, but it is a bit pliable too. So you can touch the piece and de-stress also!

I'm not done yet, but have been enjoying the experience and wanted to share it with you.

I really don't know how it will dry and if it will dry. I will see in the days ahead. A true experiment!

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